
A HUMAN approach to AI For Mind-Blowing CX


It’s not about AI, it’s about the dialogue

In 2023, we witnessed an innovation explosion around generative AI and Machine Learning in particular. First impressions of AI’s ability to analyze vast volumes of data in record speeds, came off as impressive to say the least. Yet this hype hasn’t held users back from feeling skeptical about the offerings of such technologies, especially when it comes to customer experiences.

The emergence of generative AI, augmented reality and smart automations, initiated a tidal wave of panic regarding job displacement, data and privacy regulation and the loss of the invaluable human touch. Research by CMP shows that many customers believe AI-powered experiences are robotic and impersonal.

But we see no reason to panic, because the trend towards more digital engagement also opens up infinite options; to connect, create an impact and positively surprise each other. In this new age of technology, human involvement is more crucial than ever. It goes hand-in-hand with AI.

It’s no longer enough to deploy a chatbot as the first touch point and expect to create a mind-blowing customer experience. Customers are yearning for experiences that are tailored to their needs, and which connect on a human level.

It’s never just about AI, it’s about building impactful dialogues.

Getting out of a panic state and opening up a world of opportunities

Today’s customers buy and want support in completely different ways than a couple of years ago. Modern consumers expect brands to know them and even pre-empt what their needs might be (before knowing it themselves).

The ever-changing expectations of customers require a level of skill and empathy that is only possible with the added influence of people. Take the contact center for example – a use case that we are all very familiar with, yet on too many occasions, tired of. Being confronted with customer service which feels impersonal, disconnected from our needs and forces us to put our lives on hold, is exhausting.

To harness an impactful customer experience, it must be seamless and intertwined with empathy. Customers want to be able to reach an organization whenever they like and on any communication channel that takes their preference. As long as it is integrated in a logical and meaningful way, introducing AI to various phases in the customer journey can completely humanize the experience.

However, to humanize customer experiences, we need to get rid of a technology-first approach. AI alone doesn’t matter; you’ll need to start from the use case. Try to map out what customers want to achieve, model the conversation and then ask yourself how AI could play a role in helping them.

Using AI to drive more meaningful dialogues

Customers shouldn’t be forced to comply with how your organization is set up. They should be able to find information on their own terms. By mining readily available data, businesses can personalize the customer journey, and create a customer-centric experience.

Be sure to act with awareness. It’s important for the experience to make sense to the end-user or it might stand out for all of the wrong reasons.

Through the support of AI, there are various ways to consistently delight throughout the customer journey:

  • Voice and chatbots can be used at the beginning of customer interactions to tackle FAQs, grab intent and redirect the query to the best suited team member, colleague or department - bringing all the customer data along with it
  • Savvy self-serve options can empower independent people who prefer to find the solution themselves
  • If already in contact with an individual, AI products can be used to create a hybrid experience, fusing AI intellect with a human touch
  • Generative AI can summarize customer interactions and orchestrate clear next steps to act upon for those in the lead of the dialogue
  • Real-time data can provide unique insights to inform decision making for knowledge workers


Going beyond the contact center

Whilst the contact center is a perfect use case for AI, it’s not the only one. There are various instances where AI can elevate and transform the dialogue for both ends of the line. For example, internal helpdesks, sales teams, or other heavy communicators can all enhance their communication practices through the integration of intuitive AI.

Regardless of the use case, our goal is to energize organizations to create customer experiences that are called out on the public forum for all the right reasons. It’s about embodying an approach that is flexible to the needs of people and that flows with the ever-changing tides of the technological landscape.

How to create a HUMAN perspective on AI

Modern AI solutions have the capabilities to empower brands to proactively deliver efficient, personalized and engaging experiences for customers. But only if they are implemented correctly. To ensure all critical boxes are being ticked, we came up with the HUMANTM framework:

  • Heartfelt
  • Unified
  • Measurable
  • Actionable
  • Natural



Empathy is the cornerstone of a people-centric experience. But it’s not just about saying ‘I’m sorry for your experience’.

Heartfelt is about developing the right people-centric processes, assisted by the right people-centric technology to help them communicate in the right people-centric way. Focus on what matters to the customer and let the contextual information – not a generic script – set the tone for each interaction.


Human customer experiences are not disparate sets of individual transactions and moments; they are unified journeys consisting of cohesive dialogue. Successful human-centric brands ensure data moves with customers as they switch seamlessly between channels, enabling them to consistently recognize the customer – and where they are in the journey – at each touch point.

This allows customers to instantly resume a specific conversation without having to repeat themselves or answer generic qualification questions.


Experiences may be individualized and emotional, but they are also highly measurable. To ensure experiences are sufficiently quantifiable, businesses must identify the most contextually important outcome of each interaction. For a customer complaining about a poor experience, the optimal outcome may be to defuse the anger and prevent churn, but if a consumer asks a pre-purchase question, the aim will be to secure the sale.

Brands can analyze key moments of the interaction to assess how specific actions directly impacted customer sentiment and behavior, and thereby determine whether an agent contributed positively or negatively to that goal.


Every interaction with a customer presents an opportunity to learn who they are, how they communicate and behave. Generative AI solutions can create content, customize messages and provide self-service options based on the unique needs and behaviors of individual customers. They can also empower your team to anticipate and proactively address changes in customer sentiment to deliver a more personalized experience every time.


Whether they are engaging with an AI-powered bot or a live agent, consumers are seeking natural conversations. In a self-service environment, they want to be able to articulate their issue in their own words and receive a resolution that makes sense to them. Meanwhile in an agent-led environment, they expect to interact with people who have real personalities and can understand the nuances of a given issue. They do not want to speak with an agent who simply echoes corporate policies and knowledge entries, offering no value beyond a static FAQ page.

Making HUMAN experiences a reality with Aviator

So, how do you orchestrate human services at scale?

Meet Aviator, our customer service AI product that showcases the delicate balance between automation and human touch.

Anywhere365 Aviator enables users to predict customers’ needs and the context of their conversations, while eliminating siloed communications. This boosts natural conversation without risking efficiency or compliance and unlocks actionable intelligence to anticipate customer needs and deliver frictionless, innovative experiences on both ends of the line.

Fire up productivity with Aviator:

  • Help reps handle 2x workload
  • 20% reduction of Average Handle Time
  • Increase user typing speed by 50%
  • Minimal training and onboarding

With Aviator, you can create dialogues that are highly engaging, whilst being built for accuracy and speed.

Hope on the horizon

We understand the buzz around AI and all the opportunities it brings. Where AI can enhance the dialogue, we wholeheartedly embrace it. In most cases though, it will go hand in hand with human empathy.

Whilst the negative consumer sentiment around AI lingers, there is an opportunity for brands to transform this space and unlock new intelligence around customer insights, behaviors and preferences. However, and we’ll say this again, enhancing dialogues is not about technology.

So, stop looking at the end points. Instead of fixating on tech, focus on building one ecosystem of communication. Ensure every interaction is infused with empathy for the customer and help them to feel seen and heard.

Our advice for the most futureproof strategy? Put the customer first and use the HUMANTM framework as a firm guide.

It’s time to make a paradigm shift when it comes to answering the needs of customers.

Want to learn more about our vision on AI in customer engagement? Or are you interested in a keynote about the HUMANTM framework? Either way, we'd love to exchange views! Get in touch with our Brand Evangelist, Hans Kramer on LinkedIn or via email.

For more information on game-changing customer experiences, check out our website.

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