
The World’s First Certified Microsoft Teams Contact Center

I’m proudly announcing that the Anywhere365® Dialogue Cloud is the world’s first and only officially certified Microsoft Teams Contact Center! It has been a pleasure to work closely with Microsoft on this milestone achievement. I am honored that Anywhere365® is so rigorously tested and vetted. This certification confirms Gartner’s earlier recognition of Anywhere365® as a powerful native Microsoft Teams Contact Center.


“This Certification Confirms Gartner’s Earlier Recognition Of Anywhere365® As A Powerful Native Microsoft Teams Contact Center”


The Anywhere365® products, including the Dialogue Cloud Contact Center offerings, are award-winning. 1,800+ of the largest international enterprises use our software, such as Rabobank, Credit Suisse, Philips, Nestlé and more than 30 Fortune 500 companies. Being an officially certified Microsoft Teams Contact Center solution, shows our customers and the entire market how we leverage the direct routing and calling capabilities of Microsoft Teams to the fullest extent. On top of that, certification ensures the quality, compatibility and reliability that you may expect from Anywhere365®.


Rethinking Contact Centers


At Anywhere365® we believe that you don’t need to grow your contact center. On the contrary. You need to reduce your unnecessary dialogues. We make that happen by delivering the right information to the right bot or person at the right time, no matter the location or channel. And that vision goes well beyond the contact center. Any member of the enterprise, and even AI voice bots and chat bots, will at some point become the contact center. This means that enterprises must shift from agent-based concepts to platforms. It’s not about the contact center; it’s about the dialogues.


Fully Dedicated To The Microsoft Ecosystem


The Anywhere365® Dialogue Cloud platform can extend powerful interaction capabilities throughout the whole enterprise, instead of only contact center agents. It’s delivered directly from the robust Microsoft Azure ecosystem and leverages a variety of Microsoft services that customers already use and feel comfortable with. This ensures consistency, constant improvement and scalability for customer engagement from any device, channel, location or time zone.


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